Liaoning Huawei Thermal Equipment Co., Ltd.
Address: 55 Anyang Street, Xiangyang Industrial Park, Liaoyang County, Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province
Tel: +86-0419-7677085
What is the impact of channel scaling and how to clean up the scaling? Under the rotating compensator, the pipeline conveying water with scaling is analyzed. After scaling, the resistance of the pipeline increases and the water conveying capacity decreases. In order to restore the proper water conveying capacity of the pipeline, it is necessary to scrape and coat the pipeline. Pipeline cleaning is the scraping process before the inner lining of the pipe. Two ways of cleaning the inner wall of the pipe and their different applications are as follows:
I. Water flushing
1. Rinse with water. There are soft and hard scaling in the pipe. The common method to remove the soft and hard scaling in the pipe is to flush the pipe periodically with pressure water. The flushing velocity should be 1.5 times higher than that of normal operation. Soft scaling in pipes that can be washed out by pressure water refers to sediments caused by suspended solids or iron salts. Although they are deposited at the bottom of pipes, they do not adhere firmly to the wall of pipes and can be washed out by water. In order to facilitate the removal of fouling in the pipe, hockey balls, rubber balls, plastic balls and so on are placed in the pipe section which needs to be flushed. These balls can cause larger local flow velocity on the section of the pipe which becomes smaller. The ice hockey ball does not need to be removed from the tube after it is put into the tube. For the local scaling is hard, the plug can be placed in the pipe. The two ends of the plug are connected by wire rope, and the plug can be dragged back and forth to enhance the removal effect.
2. Gas-water flushing.
3. High pressure jet flushing. Using high-pressure water, the movement is driven by the forward reaction force produced by the backward injection of water. The scaling in the pipe falls off, smashes and discharges with the flow of water. This method is suitable for medium and small pipes. The length of high-pressure hose is 50.
4. Air pressure pulse cleaning. The equipment of the method is simple, the operation is convenient and the cost is not high. Intake and drainage devices can be installed in inspection wells, so there is no need to break pipes or excavate pavement.
2. Mechanical cleaning
The inner wall of compensator has formed hard scaling. It is difficult to solve the problem only by washing with water. At this time, mechanical scraping is necessary. There are many forms of pipe scraper. For the scaling removal in small diameter water pipes, it is composed of cutting rings, Scraper rings and wire brushes. The wire rope is used to drag them back and forth in the pipe. The scarf cutting rings scratch deep marks on the scaling on the inner wall of the water pipe. Then the pipe scaling is scraped off by the scraper ring. Finally, the steel wire brush is used to clean the scaling. The advantage of the scraping method is that the working conditions are good and the scraping speed is fast. The disadvantage is that the friction between the scraper and the pipe wall is very large, the round trip drag is quite laborious, and the pipeline is not easy to scrape.
Liaoning Huawei Thermal Equipment Co., Ltd.
Address: 55 Anyang Street, Xiangyang Industrial Park, Liaoyang County, Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province
Tel: +86-0419-7677085
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